Marketing & Promoting your Fashion Brand On Instagram

Calling all fashion brand and business owners! I often get asked how to promote a clothing brand on social media and what trending hashtags for clothing on instagram. So here is a list of ideas to help you.

Picture the scene, you’re in a hoody working from home with greasy hair and possibly a little bit hungover… your brain isn’t functioning properly but you know you need to be consistent with your social media posts and give your followers their daily dose of your brand!

But what to post? Your brain has stopped working & you have a blank screen in front of you waiting for some divine intervention

Well look no further; I have pulled together 35 prompts for your Instagram feed which you can use on rotation each month

I hope this makes things a little easier for you!

Elizabeth Stiles working on her laptop - Marketing & Promoting your Fashion Brand On Instagram

1. Introduce yourself (monthly)

It’s so important for your followers to know the person behind the brand!

Put your name in your insta bio so if someone DM’s you, they know who they’re talking to!

2. Ask your audience a question

Get your audience involved in the brand so they feel a part of it

3. Behind the scenes

Show them your workspace, pattern room or even the factory if they are happy to be featured!

People are very nosy so make the most of it!

4. Post someone you look to for inspo

It’s likely that the person you find inspiring, your customer will too! 

5. What’s new?

Perhaps you’ve just launched a new product that you want to show off!

6. Share positive feedback

Social proof is a big sales driver for customers! Has someone left amazing feedback on your website or Etsy? Make it into a quote on the Canva app and share it as a post!

7. A funny or inspirational quote

Quotes always get good engagement but remember to ask the original artist if it’s okay to share on your feed!

8. Fun fact about you #funfactfriday

When I post a fun fact, it is always the highest engaging post with my followers!

People love to be able to relate to the person behind the brand

9. Open up about why you started

This should really resonate with your customer and try and make it about them! This is really key when thinking about how to promote a clothing brand on social media as it highlights your WHY and purpose behind the brand.

10. Your current obsession 

Where are you getting your inspo from at the moment? Maybe it’s a recent catwalk show that everyone is talking about!

11. Quick tip

Try and add value to your customer’s lives! If you’re selling handbags then maybe you could do a post about the after- care of leather once you have received the product

12. Current mood in an emoji

This is a fun one as it is so easy for people to respond! Great way to drive interaction with your customer

13. Promote newsletter - sign up to your mailing list

Building a newsletter is more & more important when ‘dark social’ is making up for a huge percentage of time spent online! Can you offer an incentive to get people to sign up?

14. Giveaway competition - can you collab with someone else?

Who else is offering a product or service to the same customer base?

Make sure it is a complimentary product rather than your competition!

If you’re selling sunglasses then maybe you could team up with a brand who sells beach bags?

15. Comment on your skills for a skill swap

As creatives, we have skills that are transferable across businesses!

For example if you’re a photographer who needs help with marketing, it is likely that there is a marketing expert who needs some photos taken!

16. Ask me anything

Give your customer the opportunity to find out a bit more about you or the brand!

17. Share what you’re reading,watching, podcasts you’re listening to

People LOVE to be asked for their opinion so share what you’re watching & ask them the same. It’s such an easy conversation starter!

18. Cross promote your Facebook page / Pinterest / Twitter

Instagram is great and definitely where people are spending a lot of their time

However don’t forget to use the other platforms too! Twitter is great for news, Facebook groups are brilliant and Pinterest can drive a lot of traffic to your site!

19. Thankyou!

Treat your followers like gold dust and look after them, tell them on a regular basis how much you appreciate their support and encourage them to tag you so you can re-post their images!

20. Share a photo of a client

Just make sure you get their permission first but this stems back to having ‘social proof’ that your brand is a success!

21. Offer a discount for 24 hours

Nothing gets people motivated more than a deadline! This is such an easy win when thinking about how to promote a clothing brand on social media.

Elizabeth Stiles Instagram graphic - Marketing & Promoting your Fashion Brand On Instagram

22. Happy International .... Day - something topical to the month

There is always a fun and quirky international day to celebrate so pick 1 thing each month that is topical to your brand or just something your customers will enjoy!

23. Share a funny meme

There are tonnesssss of these & they’re funny because they’re very very relatable!

24. Ask everyone to share what they do

Get to know your customers on a more personal level; it might surprise you!

25. Ask your followers an ‘on a scale of 1-10’ question

For example : on a scale of 1-10, how important is ethical manufacturing to you?

26. #throwbackthursday

Show your customers how far you’ve come compared to when you started!

27. Share a moment of ‘reality’ where things didn’t go according to plan

No matter what instagram tries to make you think, people don’t actually like perfection

One of my favourite accounts to follow is a mum who is totally normal, has a messy bun and talks about all the good and bad things that arise in her business!


28. Share a pretty photos of whereabouts in the world you are and ask your audience where they are

People are usually pretty proud of where they’re from; it is also fun to see if you have any followers overseas!

29. Share your brand values

You might be able to see a theme of being RELATABLE here!

Have a think about why you like certain brands and the likelihood of that is because their brand values align with your own personal values! Don’t forget to include relevant hashtags for clothing on instagram.

30. Share a resource that your followers will use

Everyone loves a good app recommendation so maybe something like Kira Kira that makes everything super sparkly!

31. Share your hobby outside of work

Your customer understands that you are not a fashion robot so share something else that you’re interested in like yoga or cooking

32. Tag a biz mate for people to check out

Also ask that friend to share a photo of yours on their feed so you’re getting more eyes on the product

33. Share a before and after of something on a carousel post

An example of this would be a sample before and after it’s final fitting stages!

34. Share a trend in your industry

Fashion United or Refinery29 are always posting new articles about the fashion industry; it’s also great to just keep yourself in the loop and don’t forget to utilise trending hashtags for clothing on instagram.

35. Promote your website

Don’t forget that Instagram isn’t your business! It is just a tool to drive traffic and sales to your website so make sure you’re asking for the sale :-)

Have fun posting & don’t be afraid to use this template on a monthly basis!



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