How To Start A Fashion Brand - Building your own clothing business
blog Elizabeth Stiles blog Elizabeth Stiles

How To Start A Fashion Brand - Building your own clothing business

Do you have an idea for a fashion line but not sure where to start?

Maybe you’ve spent hours/years wondering how to start a clothing brand?

This blog post is broken down into 5 easy steps for getting started with the ideas & how to start your own fashion business!

Even if you have recently launched a fashion start up - this blog post will still offer some really valuable information!

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Building an Ethical Fashion Business
blog Elizabeth Stiles blog Elizabeth Stiles

Building an Ethical Fashion Business

Over the last ten years there have been a few major disasters within the manufacturing sector which has highlighted a larger problem within the industry. One of which was known as the Rana Plaza disaster where 1,130 people died from a collapsed building in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The building contained clothing factories, a bank, shops, and apartments.

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why do so many fledgling fashion businesses fail?
blog Elizabeth Stiles blog Elizabeth Stiles

why do so many fledgling fashion businesses fail?

This is an article I came across last year and regularly forward it on to my clients as it sums up everything I believe in with regards to budget planning at the start of your brand!

It has been written by Kim Winser for & the link to the original article can be found here

Kim was the youngest-appointed and first female director of the Womenswear Group at Marks and Spencer Plc, chief executive at Pringle of Scotland, CEO of Aquascutum and chairman of Agent Provocateur. She also served as retail guru to 3i, and most recently, launched luxury fashion brand Winser London

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interview with elizabeth stiles by future girl corp
blog Elizabeth Stiles blog Elizabeth Stiles

interview with elizabeth stiles by future girl corp

new to the squad, elizabeth stiles is using fgc to find & help girls building their fashion empires. with over 10 years of experience in fashion buying and design management under her belt, she’s diving into the world of consultancy. read how she got here & why she made the decision to change.

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101 tips for running a clothing brand
blog Elizabeth Stiles blog Elizabeth Stiles

101 tips for running a clothing brand

You may have already downloaded my 101 tips for running a clothing brand but if not, here’s 15 tips I’ve selected to give you an idea of what’s included in the full e- book!

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How to start a fitness fashion brand in the UK
blog Elizabeth Stiles blog Elizabeth Stiles

How to start a fitness fashion brand in the UK

Do you have an idea for a fitness fashion brand but not sure where to start?

Maybe you’ve spent hours/years wondering how to start a clothing brand & decided to niche into ath-leisure?

This blog post is broken down into 5 easy steps for getting started with the ideas & how to start your very own fitness clothing line.

Even if you have recently launched a fashion start up for leisurewear - this blog post will still offer some really valuable information!

So let’s get started!

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How to start a streetwear fashion brand in the UK
blog Elizabeth Stiles blog Elizabeth Stiles

How to start a streetwear fashion brand in the UK

Do you have an idea for a streetwear fashion brand but not sure where to start?

Maybe you’ve spent hours/years wondering how to start a clothing brand with a streetwear aesthetic?

This blog post is broken down into 5 easy steps for getting started with the ideas & how to start your very own fashion clothing line.

Even if you have recently launched an exclusive fashion start up - this blog post will still offer some really valuable information!

So let’s get started!

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let's talk about money
blog Elizabeth Stiles blog Elizabeth Stiles

let's talk about money

Today I want to talk about money! £££

It’s a scary topic to discuss when you’re starting out & it can be tempting to go down the discount & sale route to get some cash flowing

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setting your prices with catherine
blog Elizabeth Stiles blog Elizabeth Stiles

setting your prices with catherine

Catherine Erdly is the founder of Future Retail Consulting and is on a mission to help people create the life they want by growing successful product-based businesses. Catherine brings nearly twenty years industry expertise and an inspiring passion for all things retail. She loves nothing more than enabling small and start-up brands and retailers grow their profits.

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how to start a women's luxury clothing line in the UK
blog Elizabeth Stiles blog Elizabeth Stiles

how to start a women's luxury clothing line in the UK

Do you have an idea for a luxury fashion line but not sure where to start?

Maybe you’ve spent hours/years wondering how to start a premium clothing brand?

This blog post is broken down into 5 easy steps for getting started with the ideas & how to start your very own fashion business!

Even if you have recently launched an exclusive fashion start up - this blog post will still offer some really valuable information!

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