the fashion brand clinic podcast - episode 133- healing your mind with confident & killing it author tiwalola ogunlesi

Welcome to another episode of The Fashion Brand Clinic with me, Elizabeth Stiles!

I recently met today’s guest at a women’s empowerment event in collaboration with Squarespace & The Stack World! We were on separate tables but managed to have a quick chat & secure her place as a guest on the podcast!

Tiwalola Ogunlesi is a globally recognised coach specialising in positive psychology, international speaker, author and the founder of Confident and Killing It. Confident and Killing It is a purpose driven organisation and community that wakes women up to their worth so they can be confident, unstoppable and dare to live the life they truly desire. Through engaging workshops, coaching sessions and podcasts, Tiwalola equips women with the tools they need to overcome fear and self-doubt, programme their minds for success and take action in life. Since starting in 2018 she's upskilled over 7000 women in London, NYC, Lagos and delivered engaging experiences for brands/organisations such as Google, Facebook, The Times,  Deloitte, Morgan Stanley, UN Women UK,  The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy and many more. 


In this episode we discuss :

  • Tiwa’s unique power circle theory & how it can give you direction when you need it most

  • What to do if you’re in a rut post lockdown & how you can move past that

  • The iconic Confident & Killing it book launch! How it all came about, the writing process & what it can teach you

links mentioned in the episode

Creative Sales Coach (@elizabethstilesuk) • Instagram photos and videos

Create your own fashion brand (@thefashionbrandclinic) • Instagram photos and videos

IG: @Confidentandkillingit


You can listen by clicking through to Apple Podcast here

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This week’s podcast episode is Sponsored by Olive & Frank!

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If you’d like to find out more about working together on your brand, click here


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