the fashion feed - episode 13 - lessons learnt in the fashion industry with elizabeth stiles
podcast interviews Elizabeth Stiles podcast interviews Elizabeth Stiles

the fashion feed - episode 13 - lessons learnt in the fashion industry with elizabeth stiles

You asked and I listened!

A few weeks back, I did some insta polls asking what you’d like from the podcast and I was blown away with the amount of people asking for a solo episode … so here it is!

In this episode I share with you my career history so far & something I’ve taken from each business I’ve worked for. It’s quite unsual to have worked in so many different businesses across buying AND supplying so I hope you find it insightful to get a behind the scenes look at the industry!

I share what I learnt about school, uni, Next, ASOS, Asda, Miss Selfridge, NEW girl ORDER, Huge Boss & more!

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the fashion feed - episode 12 with fashion designer caro gomez
podcast interviews Elizabeth Stiles podcast interviews Elizabeth Stiles

the fashion feed - episode 12 with fashion designer caro gomez

Episode 12 is with fashion designer Caro Gomez

Originally from El Salvador, Caro and I met in a facebook group when we were prompted to say what our skills were & if they’d be beneficial to anyone else in the group

I needed advice on email marketing and Caro wanted to speak to someone in the fashion industry for advice on launching a fashion brand - funnily enough she became my first ever client!

After realising we were both based in North London, we’d meet by Camden Lock to help each other out but it quickly formed a friendship that was way past a simple skill swap

I wanted Caro on the podcast because people always ask me ‘how do you ACTUALLY start a fashion brand?’

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how to get the best possible cost price from your factory   
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how to get the best possible cost price from your factory  

The intricacies behind the production process of a fashion business may seem mundane at first glance. When your mind is brimming with creative ideas about colours, designs and mood boards, these tasks can appear less inviting. Yet, these logistical issues are essential when it comes to ensuring that your business is in the best possible position to thrive.


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Building an Ethical Fashion Business
blog Elizabeth Stiles blog Elizabeth Stiles

Building an Ethical Fashion Business

Over the last ten years there have been a few major disasters within the manufacturing sector which has highlighted a larger problem within the industry. One of which was known as the Rana Plaza disaster where 1,130 people died from a collapsed building in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The building contained clothing factories, a bank, shops, and apartments.

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the fashion feed - episode 3 with catherine erdly of future retail
podcast interviews Elizabeth Stiles podcast interviews Elizabeth Stiles

the fashion feed - episode 3 with catherine erdly of future retail

My third guest on The Fashion Feed podcast is Catherine Erdly of Future Retail

She has over 19 years experience working with product businesses of all sizes from high street names (such as Laura Ashley, Coast and Paperchase), all the way down to brand new businesses with just a handful of customers.

Catherine is your go - to woman if you want to get more organised and make more money.

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why do so many fledgling fashion businesses fail?
blog Elizabeth Stiles blog Elizabeth Stiles

why do so many fledgling fashion businesses fail?

This is an article I came across last year and regularly forward it on to my clients as it sums up everything I believe in with regards to budget planning at the start of your brand!

It has been written by Kim Winser for & the link to the original article can be found here

Kim was the youngest-appointed and first female director of the Womenswear Group at Marks and Spencer Plc, chief executive at Pringle of Scotland, CEO of Aquascutum and chairman of Agent Provocateur. She also served as retail guru to 3i, and most recently, launched luxury fashion brand Winser London

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101 tips for running a clothing brand
blog Elizabeth Stiles blog Elizabeth Stiles

101 tips for running a clothing brand

You may have already downloaded my 101 tips for running a clothing brand but if not, here’s 15 tips I’ve selected to give you an idea of what’s included in the full e- book!

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is sustainable fashion strictly for the wealthy?
blog Elizabeth Stiles blog Elizabeth Stiles

is sustainable fashion strictly for the wealthy?

One of the highest contributing factors to the future of retail is the growing sensitivity towards sustainability and pollution. Consumers continue to fall out of love with fast fashion companies such as Primark due to its inability to adopt a more ethical and eco-friendly strategy towards manufacturing. Yet, these ethical items are often paired with a significantly higher price point and therefore pose the question: is sustainable fashion strictly for the wealthy?

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how to work with influencers
blog Elizabeth Stiles blog Elizabeth Stiles

how to work with influencers

It’s been proven that millenials trust recommendations from other people rather than the brand itself hence, why influencer marketing exists & is so successful to spread the word about your fashion brand

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setting your prices with catherine
blog Elizabeth Stiles blog Elizabeth Stiles

setting your prices with catherine

Catherine Erdly is the founder of Future Retail Consulting and is on a mission to help people create the life they want by growing successful product-based businesses. Catherine brings nearly twenty years industry expertise and an inspiring passion for all things retail. She loves nothing more than enabling small and start-up brands and retailers grow their profits.

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