the fashion feed - episode 16 with jane hamill - increase your sales & make more money (actually!)

Jane Hamill is SO passionate about fashion, sales and helping brands make money - HELLO! A woman after my own heart.

Jane’s tagline is “Create a Simple Marketing Plan / Build Your Following / Get Consistent Sales”

She’s also really funny so it was a pleasure to record the episode with her

Jane had a womenswear line for 14+ years and owned her Chicago boutique for the same time period. She sold the Jane Hamill line in her own shop and wholesaled to Bloomingdale’s, Saks, Macy’s & hundreds of boutiques across the country. She’s also featured on CNN, InStyle & FOX national TV! Jane started started Fashion Brain Academy and Jane Hamill Consulting in 2010 & helps creative entrepreneurs make a great living via online courses, business coaching programs, and public speaking

Jane Hamill

Jane Hamill


In this episode we discuss :

  • how to get more sales for your business as a direct to consumer brand

  • understanding who your customer is & how to actively attract them

  • how to make people care about your business with your messaging

  • why you need a solid content marketing strategy

  • the importance of building your own list

  • explaining sales funnels, lead magnets & why you need them


You can keep in touch with Jane via the links below:

I also featured on Jane’s podcast - Imperfect Action which you can listen to here!


You can listen below or click through to Apple Podcast here

Remember to hit the subscribe button so you don’t miss an episode!


This episode is sponsored by Sourcing Playground

Sourcing Playground is an online platform making it easier for brands to connect with compliant, ethical

& sustainable manufacturers – think but for retail!

Post your project for free & let the suppliers come to you

On the platform you can easily compare quotes & factory profiles to choose the right supplier for your brand

Sourcing Playground are offering a free upgrade to The Fashion Feed listeners which means your project

will only be viewed by the factories & hidden from public view

Go to to check it out & mention The Fashion Feed in the chatbox

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If you’d like to find out more about working together on your brand, click here


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