How to find fabric suppliers for your small business

How to find the right textile manufacturers and fabric suppliers for fashion business owners in the UK.

In my Facebook group The Fashion Feed, the same question gets asked quite a lot… where can i buy fabric from?!

I decided to collate all the info into 1 blog post and I ‘ll also keep updating it when I see new recommendations :)

I would highly recommend phoning the company if you can’t buy online. A lot of the fabric mills are very old school and it will be easier to work together rather than sending emails back and forth

Sewing machine image - How to find fabric suppliers for your small business


Going on these websites can feel a little overwhelming so I recommend making a fabric moodboard first so you know what you’re looking for. If you’re really specific about what you want then use the search box on the website if they have one

Organic Textile Company

Knitting Division

Discovery Knitting

Sean at Vend Fabrics Leicester

Whaleys Bradford

Oddies Textiles

Chapman Group

Carrington Textiles

Funki Fabrics



Fabric Land

Make It Here (this is a directory website)

Offset Warehouse

Swatch On

Fabrics Galore



Fabric trade shows / fabric fairs are the best place to go and find fabric but check before you go, some trade shows are for VAT registered businesses only and have high minimums of around 300-1000m per fabric

A trade show is where you go and request sample fabric hangers or you can place orders for fabrics to be made.

If you’re looking for fabric suppliers for your small business and you want to buy immediately for sampling then it’s best to go online or buy from your local fabric shops

The shows below happen regularly throughout the year in London (PV is in Paris) so google the show and have a look at when the next one will be!

The London Expo, International Garments & Fabrics Trade Fair



Sustainable Angle

Make It British

Premiere Vision


here are some conversation starters to get you going (If you’re unsure of what to ask)

Do you hold stock fabrics? 

If the answer is yes then it usually means there is no minimum order qty on those fabrics!

If no, ask what their MOQ (minimum order quantity) is!

Can I cut the fabric hanger you have here or do I need to order a new one?

If it’s the first day of the show then they’re unlikely to let you cut it as it makes the stand look messy

If it’s the last day then they’re more likely

Have a look at which ones have been cut the most as these are obviously the ‘trending’ fabrics

Do you have sampling lengths ready?

This obviously will speed up your sampling process as it can take up to 4 weeks fro a fabric roll to be knitted / woven

Do I have to pay for this service?

If so, is that sampling cost refundable against an order?

What are you lead times?

Do you have test results and wash care instructions? (for the fabrics you choose)

This will give you the info you need for wash care labels at the end of production!


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