the fashion feed - episode 54 - 10 ways to cope with stress with michelle nelson

Michelle is a health and wellness coach who is actually my sister in law! I asked her on to the podcast because she is one of the calmest, kindest people I know - who better to invite on to give us some advice on dealing with stress?! As we were recording and releasing this episode we’re mid way through lockdown number 2 so I hope it’s good timing if you are struggling with your mindset


Michelle Nelson



In this episode we discuss :

  • 10 ways to deal with stressful situations with a focus on your mindset

  • Why it’s so important to believe the positive messages you tell yourself

  • The power of finding what’s right for you and your body

  • Being careful about who you share your gratitudes with

  • Focusing your energy on what you can control


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the fashion feed - episode 55 - small business success stories with daisy & liv at a.s.l.m.m.


the fashion feed - episode 53 - the language of sales with therese ortenblad